Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goal Blog

My academic goal is to try to get all A's this quarter. I been getting A and B's so I want to push my self the get all A's. I will get help on any assignment if I need help. I will also ask a teacher to check my work if I did something wrong so I can fix it. I will definitely turn in projects on time and not procrastinate on any homework.

Mt personal goal is to work on my attitude with my parents. Every time we discuss something I usually cut them off and get really mad. I later feel bad for yelling at them and I want to control my anger. I will try thinking before I talk to my parents. I will also try to calm down by breathing in and out when I start getting. If I do get mad I will try the best I can not to talk back or yell at them because I know I will feel bad later.

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