Sunday, January 25, 2015

"The Walking Dead The Rise Of The Governor"

Since the other blog they have decided to stay at the house for a while.  When it was night time Philip stayed with Penny in the living room. Philip was watching out incase any zombies intrude the house while Penny tries to sleep. Brian was still awake and he kept hearing something in the attic so right away he thought it might be that little boy they haven't found. Brian was terrified but he didn't want to go to his "little brother" for this so he went up by himself. The noise was coming from a coffin and while Brian found the coffin Philip found Brian looking at it. Brian was the one who ended up opening the coffin and you'll find out in the next blog what was inside the coffin.

The genre of this would probably be mystery and fantasy because it is sorta of a mystery of how this all began. The fantasy part would be the fact that there are zombies roaming around. It is also a mystery because a lot of things are happening like for example they don't know if the little boy is dead or not. They also don't even know if he's in the house. In the book Brian kept thinking that the little boy might be in the house but they just can't find him. I know this because in the article it says "'This place us safe, Brian,' Philip says, pulling the bottle of Scotch down. 'Safe?' Brian Blake stares at the tabletop. He lets out a cough and cringes."

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"The Walking Dead The Rise Of The Governor"

So far this book is about the beginning of how the dead are turning into zombies. The character in the book so far are Philip, Penny, Brian, Nick, and Bobby. Penny is Philip's daughter and Brian is Philips older brother. Nick and Bobby are collage friends of Philips and they got together once the dead were turning. They all find a house with enough food to last a while but the only disadvantage is that they are near a gold course with a bunch of zombies. They clear out the house with any zombies and they find out they got every person from the family that lived there except a little boy. They start worrying about this little boy because he might be in the house still. So they searched the entire house and they found nothing.

The conflict in this story so far is the obviously that the dead are turning into zombies. The other conflict is that Brian is paranoid about the little boy in the picture. I know that Brian is paranoid because in the book it says "I'm telling you, we got 'em all, "Phillip says" Phillip keeps telling Brian this because he still thinks that the little boy might be there hiding. They still haven't found the corps of the little boy so Brian think he's somewhere in the house. This is a huge conflict because Brian is worried about Penny because she is in the house and the little boy hasn't appeared.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goal Blog

My academic goal is to try to get all A's this quarter. I been getting A and B's so I want to push my self the get all A's. I will get help on any assignment if I need help. I will also ask a teacher to check my work if I did something wrong so I can fix it. I will definitely turn in projects on time and not procrastinate on any homework.

Mt personal goal is to work on my attitude with my parents. Every time we discuss something I usually cut them off and get really mad. I later feel bad for yelling at them and I want to control my anger. I will try thinking before I talk to my parents. I will also try to calm down by breathing in and out when I start getting. If I do get mad I will try the best I can not to talk back or yell at them because I know I will feel bad later.